Now Hiring

We are currently taking applications for

Cooks • Hosts

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Are you at least 18 years of age?
Are you prevented from lawfully becoming employed in the country because of visa or immigration status?
What position are you applying for?
Check all that you are applying for
Are you currently employed?
Please tell us about your education history. High School, College, and/or other levels of education you've received. Provide any graduation dates (if applicable), and the locations of the schools.
Please tell us about any areas of special studies, special skills, activities or military service that we should consider.
Company name of current or most recent employer
Start date to end date
Describe your job duties and responsibilities
Are you currently employed there?
May we contact this current/most recent employer?
Company name of previous employer
Start date to end date
Describe your job duties and responsibilities
Are you currently employed there?
May we contact this previous employer?
Company name of other employer
Start date to end date
Describe your job duties and responsibilities
Are you currently employed there?
May we contact this other employer?
Disclaimer (read description and check if you agree or not)
I certify that all the information submitted by mo on this applications is true and complete, and I understand that if any false information, omissions, or misrepresentations are discovered, my application may be rejected and, if I am employed, my employment may be terminated at any time. In consideration of my employment, I agree to conform to the company's rules and regulations, and I agree that my employment and compensations can be terminations, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, at either my or my company's options. I also understand and agree that the terms and conditions of my employment may be changed, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time by the company.